I downloaded it just to see what all the reviews were about. I think its definitely boring and pointless. But certainly not offensive. People these days are so sensitive. Its annoying.
I downloaded it just to see what all the reviews were about. I think its definitely boring and pointless. But certainly not offensive. People these days are so sensitive. Its annoying.
Its cool I dont see why everyone hates it- troll
The title says it all
I LOVE it! Its funny! All u babies like "IT INSULTS GAYS!! :(" Get a life! Most hats I know go "Heeeeeyyyy" (like the app does) or "Girrrrrlllll" (like the app does" So get over it! Its better what people say (in life) so Shut up & lol hard
Do not download this app. Its a waste of reaources
Gay. Waist of time.
Not only is this app a waste of space on your phone, but it is also offensive. The word "gay" is not a bad word. It is a word use to describe the sexuality of a man who is attracted to other men. To put a button on this app that uses the term "gay" as if it were a bad thing or to describe something in a negative way is offensive.
Gay means happy and rainbows arent dumb their cool
Im gay and I like this app.
This thing is not so fun,you just tap.But it could be good for GAY MEN AND WOMEN STUFFED IN STUFF SO STUFF GAY PEOPLE IN STUFF!!!
If its bad ill give 1 star and if jts good ill give these 2 shiny stars
i rate 8/8, but it isnt gay enough